This symposium will bring together Australia’s leading Parkinson’s clinicians and academics to discuss recent discoveries and promising pathways for
a better understanding and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and cross discipline collaboration.
Parkinson’s disease is complex and poorly understood. It is thought that Parkinson’s only affects older people and is ‘just the shakes’.
The reality is much different.
- Parkinson’s is the second most common
neurological disease in Australia after dementia. - 38 Australians are diagnosed with the disease every day.
- 20% of people living with Parkinson’s are under 50 years old and
- 10% are diagnosed before the age of 40.
- The number of people with Parkinson’s has
increased by 17% in the last six years with costs
to the community increasing by over 48%. - For comparison purposes, the prevalence of Parkinson’s
is greater than prostate, bowel and many other forms
of cancer and - The total number of people living with Parkinson’s
is 4 times the number of people suffering with MS.
Proudly brought to you by the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network, Rural Fit and Parkinson’s NSW
A full day of education and networking followed by a dinner with keynote speakers
When: 5 November 2022
Where: Mercure Hotel, Scully Park, Kent St Tamworth
Day program
Education for Allied Health & Nurses, including Allied Health & Nursing Students
Time: 8.30am-3.30pm
Cost: $40 per person ($60 per person if you attend both education & dinner)
Health Clinicians Dinner
Dinner & Entertainment for Specialists, GPs, Nurses, Allied Health & all Practice Staff are welcome
Time: 6.30pm-10.30pm
Cost: $40 per person ($60 per person if you attend both education & dinner)
Keynote Speakers: Dr Stephen Duma (Neurologist) & Clyde Campbell