What do Support Groups offer?

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What do Support Groups offer?

What do Support Groups offer?

What do Parkinson’s NSW Support Groups offer? 

When Sydney man Don Gration was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1979, he and wife Joan found there were few sources of information about the disease and no support or advice available from others in the same situation. 

The couple founded what they described as ‘a mutual self-help society’ called The Parkinson’s Syndrome Society of Australia. It was really the first Parkinson’s Support Group, and the forerunner of the Parkinson’s NSW organisation. 

It was also the beginning of a long commitment to volunteerism associated with Support Groups which continues to this day.  

Support Groups function within their local communities or geographic areas and are led and populated by volunteers. Groups are a part of Parkinson’s NSW and supported by employees of this organisation. 

The role of these Groups is to provide a forum for non-judgemental peer support from people living with Parkinson’s and their care partners. They also provide regular social opportunities to facilitate community engagement and are a source of evidence-based information and advice on Parkinson’s provided by experts from Parkinson’s NSW.  

There are currently 63 face-to-face Support Groups located across NSW, along with 13 specialised Caregiver Groups – together supporting more than 2,000 people. There are also another five online teleconferencing-based Groups in addition to Facebook Groups offering convenient online access for people isolated by distance or lack of mobility.  

Click here for a list of current support groups in NSW

For Support Group details near you, phone the Parkinson’s NSW InfoLine: 1800 644 189