

David Veness

David was appointed Parkinson’s NSW Ambassador in November 2021 in recognition of his tireless work on the Board.

In his Ambassador role he will continue to advocate for and raise awareness of Parkinson’s – as he did so effectively as a former President and Vice President of Parkinson’s NSW.

David joined the Board of Parkinson’s NSW as non-metropolitan representative in 2016 with a desire to represent country areas of NSW. In 2018 David was elected President and then Vice President in 2021.

He is a passionate advocate for people living with Parkinson’s in rural and regional areas and is dedicated to funding and deploying more Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses across the state of NSW.

During his time on the Board of Parkinson’s NSW David was instrumental in securing three Parkinson’s Specialist Nurse positions in Northern NSW, Northern Sydney and Southern NSW Local Health Districts.

David also champions Parkinson’s Support Groups and their benefits.

When he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s he immediately joined his local Support Group in Bathurst. He strongly believes in and plays an active role in all of the group’s activities. He enjoys exercise and encourages all those with Parkinson’s to try and exercise regularly.