5th April 2021

Active and Healthy

STATE GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE Healthy and Active Online is a 10-week free program. It is designed for independent older adults aged 60 years and over, who currently do not participate in […]
5th April 2021

Can we fundraise for ourselves

CAN OUR SUPPORT GROUP FUNDRAISE FOR LOCAL PROJECTS? Yes. This is one of the reasons why Parkinson’s NSW now requires an Annual Plan from all of its Support Groups. If you […]
5th April 2021

Managing heartburn and reflux

People living with Parkinson’s can experience heartburn or oesophageal reflux – and  hiatus hernia (where your stomach bulges up into your chest through an opening in your diaphragm) and ulcers […]
5th April 2021

Flexibility exercises part 1

Due to increasing rigidity or stiffness, individuals living with Parkinson’s will benefit from frequent stretching and flexibility exercises. Stretching activities assist in keeping a good range of movement. These types of exercises require […]
5th April 2021

Are we close to a cure for Parkinson’s?

Saskia Mair of Parkinson’s Life interviews Sohini Chowdhury, Deputy CEO of the  Michael J Fox Foundation. How close do you think the scientific community is to finding a cure for Parkinson’s? Whenever […]
5th April 2021

My DBS Journey – Sharyn

Sharyn, aged 70 Had DBS surgery in February 2020 Sharyn has lived in Cooma for 42 years. Back in 2008 she was working in childcare when she began to think […]
5th April 2021

Parkinson’s Nurses in Action

Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses are highly trained and experienced nurses based in communities of need. They are dedicated to supporting local people living with Parkinson’s. These Nurses are funded 50/50 by […]
5th April 2021

Parkinson’s nurses in action -Judy

Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses are highly trained and experienced nurses based in communities of need. They are dedicated to supporting local people living with Parkinson’s. These Nurses are funded 50/50 by […]
5th April 2021

Parkinson’s nurses in action – Nicole

Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses are highly trained and experienced nurses based in communities of need. They are dedicated to supporting local people living with Parkinson’s.  These Nurses are funded 50/50 by […]