Researchers have proposed a set of voice exercise games to help speech quality in people with Parkinson’s disease, which licensed speech therapists found to be a generally feasible, promising approach. If […]
Patients were asked to tap their fingers in front of a webcam An online artificial intelligence (AI) powered test where users tap their fingers in front of a webcam may […]
Parkinson’s disease is the fastest growing neurological disease in the world. However, currently there is no single test or biomarker that can diagnose Parkinson’s or monitor disease progression. Now, a […]
Historically, Parkinson’s was rare. In 1855, for instance, just 22 people living in the United Kingdom died with Parkinson’s disease. Today, in the United States, the National Institutes of Health […]
Researchers based at Australia’s Translational Research Institute (TRI) have received major funding from the United States Department of Defence (DoD) to develop Parkinson’s disease treatments by targeting the gut microbiome. […]
A new survey by the PD Avengers – a global alliance to end Parkinson’s disease – confirms that Parkinson’s disease significantly disrupts sleep for patients and caregivers and uncovers key areas […]
The Federal Government has announced $800,000 in funding over two years to develop and implement Australia’s first National Parkinson’s Action Plan. The funding will be used by the National Parkinson’s […]
The Parkinson’s NSW InfoLine – previously called the HealthLine – is the single point of contact for people living with Parkinson’s, care partners, health professionals, and family members who require […]