Health Professional

Health Professional

The wide spectrum of symptoms associated with Parkinson’s means that health professionals from various disciplines play an important role in the management of Parkinson’s. Understanding the condition will help you to deliver the best possible care to your client living with Parkinson’s.

General Practitioners Guide

The online education course previously available from Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) is currently under review.  This was a six-hour online course designed to help General Practitioner’s (GP’s) address the issues of most concern when confronted with a patient who may have Parkinson’s disease.

While this course is being reviewed and updated, Parkinson’s NSW offers GP and health professional information sessions across NSW. If this is of interest to you, please contact our InfoLine 1800 644 189 or email our Education Manager, Christine McGee

Education Sessions

Parkinson’s NSW offers education sessions in person or online to educate and inform staff on how to best care and aid those living with Parkinson’s their families and carers.
If you would like to find out more information or book a session please call our InfoLine on 1800 644 189.

To find out more and enrol in an online module please visit our Education page

Caring for Someone

Health Professionals

Recently Diagnosed


Parkinson's and COVID-19

Parkinson's FAQ's

Recently Diagnosed


Caring for Someone

Young Onset

Living well with Parkinson's

Parkinson's and COVID-19

Parkinson's FAQ's

Health Professionals

Parkinson's Information Sheets

These publications offer insight and up to date information into the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s