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Mindfulness meditation may lessen depression

Mindfulness meditation – mental training of being focused on the present moment without interpretation or judgment – was better than physical exercise at lessening depression symptoms and maintaining emotional stability […]

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Medication safety for Parkinson’s patients

Michael Ortiz has Parkinson’s. Like many with this disease, he’s been hospitalised on many occasions for conditions other than Parkinson’s. On too many of those occasions, according to Michael, the […]

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Growing stronger, day by day

Growing stronger, day by day  By Danny Lavender  Danny Lavender MBE was diagnosed with young onset Parkinson’s in 2004. He  says developing a ‘growth mindset’ has helped him stay positive. […]

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Exercise that is effective and fun

Making exercise an enjoyable part of your everyday life may be easier than you think. Just choose activities that make you feel happy and confident  If your workout is unpleasant […]

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New documentary on Parkinson’s

A new documentary on Parkinson’s explores global efforts to research, treat, and prevent the progressive neurodegenerative disorder.  Called The Long Road to Hope, it was produced by the University of Rochester […]

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Deciding to have DBS surgery

How do you make the life-changing decision to undergo deep brain stimulation (DBS)?  That’s the choice Germany-based Cathy Molohan was faced with a few years ago.   “The decision to have […]

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3 best spices and herbs to boost brain health

Packed with antioxidants and nutrients, incorporate these spices into your everyday diet to promote a healthy brain and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.  Turmeric contains the antioxidant curcumin which gives […]

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New walking app big step forward for Parkinson’s

Walking Tall is a new mobile application to help people with Parkinson's to walk better and for longer. Co-designed by people with Parkinson's and led by UNSW biomedical engineer Dr […]

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Amplitude Movements aka BIG

In recent years, the evidence backing the benefits of exercise for Parkinson’s has grown rapidly. There have been many types of exercise that has been proven to improve, function and quality […]

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AI helps detect Parkinson’s

By Marta Figueiredo, PhD   An artificial intelligence (AI) tool was able to distinguish, with great accuracy, Parkinson’s patients from healthy peers by analysing short videos of facial expressions – particularly smiles – […]

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My World Parkinson’s Congress

Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses share their experiences at this global event – this year held in Barcelona.  Lauren Hogan Southern NSW Local Health District Based in Goulburn  “This was my first […]

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Partnering Through Parkinson’s – Stephen and Laurine Croasdale

Stephen and Laurine Croasdale met in Paris in 1980, in an Alliance Francaise class.  “I was in class when the teacher announced there was another ‘le petit kangurou’,” recalls Laurine, […]

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