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COVID-19 vaccine safe for people living with Parkinson’s

A study authored by a group of Parkinson’s experts – including neurologist Professor Bastiaan ‘Bas’ Bloem who has a global reputation – says COVID-19 vaccination with approved vaccines should be […]

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Exam could lead to diagnosis

A simple eye exam combined with powerful artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning technology could provide early detection of Parkinson’s,  according to research conducted at the University of Florida in the […]

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Support Group network continues to grow

Parkinson’s NSW has more than 87 Support Groups, including 17 Carer Support Groups. Of those, 25 Groups are in metropolitan areas and 62 are in regional and rural locations. There are […]

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Reluctant to take a break from caring?

Although there are many options for obtaining respite support for carers to take a break, many are reluctant to do so. Concerns are normal but they need to be balanced […]

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Parkinson’s NSW Trust appoints independent Directors

Following a search by a professional recruitment consultant, the Parkinson’s NSW Trust has appointed two new, independent Directors. They are Annabel Crookes who is Legal & Risk Director and an […]

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New medication to quickly reverse ‘off’ time

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved an under-the-tongue dissolvable medication to quickly reverse ‘off’ time when Parkinson’s symptoms return between medication doses. The medication is called Kynmobi and […]

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Tips on preventing falls.

Falls are a common symptom of Parkinson’s and because everyone has a different journey they can be experienced at various stages of progression. Depending on their severity and direction, falls […]

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Online singing helps people living with Parkinson’s

Each Thursday, people living with Parkinson’s and their carers participate in a specialised online singing program based in Coffs Harbour. Led by Music Therapist Bonnie Nilsson, the Online Parkinson’s Voice Program is […]

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Learn more about navigating the Aged Care system

On 2 July COTA (Council on The Ageing) will collaborate with Parkinson’s NSW to host a video-chat session featuring a presentation on Navigating the Aged Care System. There will also be […]

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Exercise helps to prevent falls

Exercise is a proven way to prevent falls by strengthening the muscles that keep us upright and improving our balance. For the greatest benefit try a combination of exercise types […]

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‘Natural killer’ cells could halt Parkinson’s

Researchers at the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Centre have found that ‘natural killer’ white blood cells could guard against the cascade of cellular changes that lead to Parkinson’s and […]

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Students connect with seniors to demystify digital world

The Australian Government’s Office of eSafety is reaching out to high school students to assist in increasing digital literacy for older Australians and building intergenerational relationships. The Be Connected Young Mentors […]

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