Parkinson's NSW Services
You Are Not Alone
When Parkinson’s comes into your life, you may be uncertain about what the future holds for you and your loved ones. Receiving a Parkinson’s diagnosis can be frightening. Every hour of every day, someone in Australia is told they have Parkinson’s. Because we are here, no one has to face Parkinson’s alone.
Dealing with a Parkinson’s Diagnosis
People who have been recently diagnosed often feel very confused. They may be overwhelmed with questions and feel emotionally distressed and they may not know where to get help. Parkinson’s NSW can be a valuable lifeline. We offer information, counselling and information events for people who have been recently diagnosed.
Living with Parkinson’s
It can take many years for symptoms to progress to a point where they cause serious problems. Many people find that knowledge reduces their fear of the unknown. We can help with information about symptoms as they arise and advise on how best to manage them.

Caring for someone with Parkinson’s Disease
If you are a family member or carer, you will probably have many questions and will need information about how to manage various symptoms and provide emotional and practical help to your loved one. We understand that caring can take its toll on the carer, which is why our support is here for you too.
People living with Parkinson’s have different needs. Whether you have received a Parkinson’s diagnosis, are a partner, carer, relative or friend, we understand that you will want help from different services at different times. That is why we offer the following; InfoLine, Counselling, local Support Groups, Information and Education Events.

1800 644 189
Our InfoLine is staffed by health and allied health professionals and is the first point of call for all your questions. Our team can help you gain a better understanding of Parkinson’s, give advice, and share the latest in research and treatment options. We can also point you in the right direction for services and other supports in your local area.

Local Support Groups
Living with Parkinson’s can be isolating, so meeting other people who are living the same experience can have a positive impact. We coordinate a network of more than 70 Support Groups across New South Wales, along with special networks for people with early onset Parkinson’s (under 60 years), those who are considering or adjusting to Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Support Group participants and leaders and caregivers. These groups give you the chance to share experiences, hear about new developments from health professionals and meet a new circle of friends. Contact our InfoLine on 1800 644 189 for help to identify the right Support Group for you.

No matter how you are affected by Parkinson’s, our specialist counsellors are skilled in the many issues surrounding this condition. You can visit us for a private, face to face session or talk to us over the phone or via teleconferencing. Our specialist counsellors offer a confidential and supportive environment for you to talk things through. Contact InfoLine on 1800 644 189 to arrange a confidential appointment for yourself, whether you are living with Parkinson’s or are a caregiver, partner, or family member. You are also welcome to participate in counselling sessions together.

Information And Education
We are committed to keeping you informed about the latest treatment options, research, programs and services through our education seminars and workshops. These events are held regularly across regional and metropolitan New South Wales. The education seminars are available for people living with Parkinson’s, their partners, families and carers – as well as health professionals including GPs, aged care support workers and allied health practitioners.

Support For Research
In Australia every hour of every day someone is diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Although we do not yet have a way to cure or prevent Parkinson’s, research gives us better prospects through new medications, treatment options, and therapies. That is why we work with researchers and academic institutions to offer people living with Parkinson’s opportunities to participate in local or remotely managed trials. We feature these opportunities on the Parkinson’s NSW website here and through our online and print newsletters.

Community Based Neurological Nurses
We currently have trained Parkinson’s Specialist Nurses (neurological nurses) in regional areas across New South Wales. These nurses can assist with the management of Parkinson’s and connection with local health services, as well as offer emotional support and education. Our goal is to increase the number of nurses in communities across NSW.

Campaigns And Events
As well as helping you directly, we also work to improve awareness and understanding of Parkinson’s in the wider community. We collaborate with hospitals, clinics, Local Health Districts, Primary Health Networks, and care facilities to provide the best possible care for people with Parkinson’s. We also work hard to keep Parkinson’s on the health agenda politically. By lobbying at State and Federal levels we are continuously campaigning for better services and treatments for people affected by Parkinson’s.

Living Well With Parkinson’s
Exercise – along with up-to-date knowledge and medication management – are effective ways to improve quality of life when affected by Parkinson’s.
Living well means paying attention to your emotional, mental and physical health. That especially applies if you are living with Parkinson’s, or caring for someone who is. Our Living Well with Parkinson’s information sheets will inspire and assist you to get the most out of your life

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
As the Peak Body for the NSW Parkinson’s community, if you are under the age of 65, we want to help you navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme so you can obtain funding to live your best life with the support you need.
We are your single point of contact for your NDIS questions and requirements. For evidence-based help, information and advocacy call the Parkinson’s NSW InfoLine on 1800 644 189 and speak with our NDIS Advocate.