Nurses Testimonials World Parkinsons Congress

Delegate Testimonials World Parkinsons Congress
5th July 2022
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Nurses Testimonials World Parkinsons Congress

Nurses Testimonials World Parkinsons Congress

Vince Carroll

“The World Parkinson’s Congress is a unique opportunity to unite as one voice for Parkinson’s. Clinicians and people living with Parkinson’s share knowledge and stories – and hear about the latest research and innovation from across the world.

“At the last Congress in Japan I had the opportunity to present a research poster with Associate Professor Rachel Rossiter from Charles Sturt University on the progress Parkinson’s NSW has made with our Parkinson’s Specialist Nurse models in rural and regional areas of NSW.

“This is the world stage where you have the opportunity to influence practice and inform others, as well as learning to nurture and grow your own practice. You network with other clinicians and meet so many beautiful people of different cultures from around the world.”

Cathy Melton

“The World Parkinson’s Congress provides the latest updates on treatment for Parkinson’s from specialists around the globe. It also re-evaluates and confirms what is already considered best practice.

“The Congress covers much more than medication; it also reviews a range of other options managing symptoms. This event is highly valuable to me as it directly informs my nursing role – supporting people through the Parkinson’s NSW InfoLine.”

Rachael Mackinnon

“There are few opportunities available for professional development for health workers supporting people living with Parkinson’s in Australia.

“The World Parkinson’s Congress brings the international Parkinson’s community together – including researchers, people living with Parkinson’s, Neurologists, Movement Disorder Specialists, Primary and Allied Health professionals – to share insights and advances in Parkinson’s treatments, care strategies and research.

“The Congress was the best conference I have ever attended in terms of increasing my knowledge of Parkinson’s. I was surprised that, following the Congress, I had direct access to the presenting researchers and specialists (all leaders in their fields) who were highly collaborative and responsive to follow up communications.

“Following each Congress, we share our findings with peers and patients alike. The information we bring back is also used to further develop content for the Parkinson’s NSW Education and training programs.”

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