In order for them to maintain mental and physical health, and to remain effective in their caring role.

Respite simply means taking a break from being a carer. There are many different types of respite support available.
Some common types of respite are listed below.
- In home: A support worker looks after the person you care for in your home.
- Facility or residential based: The person you care for stays for a short period in a care facility like an aged care home or supported accommodation
- Community based: The person you care for joins a day program at an adult day centre, neighbourhood house or community health centre
- Alternative family care: your family and friends may be able to help with your caring responsibilities while you take a break.
- Recreation based: You and the person you care for can join organised recreation, social or leisure activities either together or separately.
- Emergency respite: Sometimes available if you need to deal with sudden illness, accidents, family troubles or emergencies
Carers can contact Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737 or to find out more about emergency respite options available in your area.
Source: Carers NSW