Section 3
NDIS Registration Process
For some, this Toolkit may provide an overview of information to inform their decision making and process for registering to become an NDIS Approved Provider or not. For other organisations and leadership teams the information in the Toolkit may inform the strategic thinking required to understand what work may need to be done to move towards a stronger position of being ready to embark on the registration journey.

Overview of Section 3
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (‘The NDIS Commission’) manages the registration and quality assurance of NDIS providers under a nationally consistent framework. The NDIS Commission works with providers to improve the quality and safety of NDIS services and supports.
As of 1 December 2020, all NDIS providers must register through the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. It is the NDIS Commission that regulates the NDIS market.
To be registered, providers must demonstrate they meet mandated standards of quality and safety in the programs and supports they deliver.
This includes the registration of new NDIS service providers, and the renewal of existing NDIS registrations.
To be registered, providers must demonstrate they meet standards of quality and safety in the services and supports they deliver. The standards of quality and safety are articulated in the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators and contained within the Provider Application Pack referenced below in the toolbox.
Both registration as a new NDIS provider and renewing existing NDIS registration is completed via the NDIS Commission website.
- NDIS Commission web page: Provider Information Pack
- NDIS Commission: Your Introduction to Provider Registration
Tool 3.1 – Introduction to Provider registration (PDF) - NDIS Commission: How to Register
- NDIS Commission Fact Sheet: How to Register as an NDIS Provider
Tool 3.2 – How to register as an NDIS Provider (PDF) - NDIS Commission Factsheet: What Does This Mean for Providers?
Tool 3.3 – NDIS commission fact sheet (PDF) - NDIS Commission: Understanding Provider Registration in the NDIS Commission (standard and Auslan video clips)
Resources relating to registration requirements:
- NDIS Commission webpage: Registered Provider Requirements
- NDIS web page: Becoming an NDIS Provider
- NDIS Commission Booklet: Your Introduction to Provider Registration
Tool 3.4 – Introduction to Provider registration
The NDIS Practice Standards consist of a core module and several supplementary modules that apply depending on the types of supports and services you deliver and your organisational structure.
Each module has a series of high-level, participant-focused outcomes.
For each outcome in the modules, the NDIS Commission has prepared quality indicators that approved auditors use to assess compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards.
Core module
The core module covers:
- Rights of participants and responsibilities of providers.
- Governance and operational management.
- The delivery of supports.
- The environment in which supports are delivered.
Supplementary modules
The supplementary modules cover:
- High intensity daily personal activities.
- Specialist behaviour support, including implementing behaviour support plans.
- Early childhood supports.
- Specialised support co-ordination.
- Specialist disability accommodation.
- NDIS Commission web page: The NDIS Practice Standards
- NDIS Commission: Your Guide to the NDIS Practice Standards
Tool 3.5 – Guide to the NDIS Practice Standards (PDF) - NDIS Commission: Application Pack – NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators (Version 3, January 2020.)
Tool 3.6 – NDIS practice standards and quality indicators (PDF)
The 5 steps of the new provider registration process are:
Step 1: Complete an online application form on the Commission website.
Step 2: Select an approved external third-party NDIS approved quality auditor.
Step 3: Undergo an NDIS registration audit.
Step 4: The NDIS Commission assesses the application and makes a decision.
Step 5: Receive the application outcome.
NDIS Commission webpage: Provider Registration Process
To apply for or renew registration with the NDIS Commission, all providers undergo an audit against the NDIS Practice Standards.
An independent approved quality third-party auditor will assess/audit the organisation against the components of the NDIS Practice Standards that are relevant to the services and supports the service delivers or intends to deliver.
Auditors will also undertake their activities in a way that takes the organisation’s size, scope, and service delivery risk into consideration.
The organisation will undergo either a verification or certification quality audit.
The NDIS Commission will advise the type of audit required, based the registration group(s) listed in the registration application.
As part of the application for registration or renewal, it is the provider’s responsibility to engage an approved quality third-party auditor to assess the organisation’s compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards.
- NDIS Approved Quality Auditors: List of NDIS Approved Quality Auditors as at 22/02/2021
- NDS Webcast: NDIS Commission Requirement – Providers and the Audit Process
(May 2020)
This webcast aims to assist viewers to develop an understanding of the following:
- How audit assessments relate to Provider Registration.
- The requirements of auditors and the audit process.
- The requirements of providers in relation to the audit process.
- How the auditors develop a quote.
The operation of some key provisions of the Approved Quality Auditor Scheme Guidelines which may impact providers.
There are two pathways for registration, both of which require audit:
Verification: The verification pathway is undertaken where providers are delivering lower risk/lower complexity supports and services. The approved quality auditor will conduct a desktop audit (Step 3 above) against the four standards and each outcome within the verification module of the NDIS Practice Standards:
- Human Resource Management including pre-employment checks, relevant qualifications, expertise and experience and relevant personal insurance.
- Incident Management processes/policies.
- Complaints Management processes/policies.
- Risk Management processes/policies.
Resources relating to the Verification pathway:
- NDIS Commission: NDIS Practice Standards Verification Module – Required Documentation
Tool 3.7 – Verification module - NDIS Commission web page: Verification Audits
Certification: The certification pathway is undertaken by providers that provide high risk and more complex supports and services. In a certification audit, providers are assessed against the NDIS Practice Standards which may include assessment against the core module and any supplementary module relevant to the type of support they deliver. The registration requirements outline the compliance requirements for the core and supplementary modules by registration group.
Assessment includes core capabilities, such as:
- Risk management.
- Delivery of supports.
- The delivery environment.
- Governance and operational management.
Supplementary modules for more complex supports include:
- High intensity daily personal care.
- Specialist behaviour support.
- Implementing behaviour support plans.
- Early childhood supports.
- Specialised support coordination.
- Specialised disability accommodation.
Resources relating to the Certification Pathway:
- NDIS Commission: Application Pack – Registration Requirements by Supports and Services
Tool 3.8 – Registration requirements (PDF) - NDIS Commission webpage: Certification Audits
Service Providers seeking NDIS registration renewal must also demonstrate compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards for the relevant approved registration groups (which are determined by the types of services and supports you deliver).
Registration renewal also requires undertaking an external third-party quality audit that can only be conducted by an NDIS approved external auditing agency.
During a provider’s application for registration or renewal of registration, the NDIS Commission will advise the applicant of the NDIS Practice Standards that apply to their organisation and the type of quality audit required. This is based on your registration group(s) and the legal type of organisation you are (e.g., individual, partnership or body corporate).
The NDIS Commission provides guidance and support to assist in understanding and meeting the requirements of registration. Access the following tool for your Toolkit.
- NDIS Commission: Application Pack – NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Practice Standards and Quality Indicators (Version 3, January 2020.)
Tool 3.9 – NDIS practice standards and quality indicators
Click to download the PDF format or the accessible format.
TIP: The accessible format is useful to create your own checklists to support your preparation for audit.
Registration renewal must be completed every 3 years.
To apply to renew provider registration, providers need to complete the online application process on the NDIS Commission Portal.
NDIS Commission web page: NDIS Commission Portal
Log in to the NDIS Commission Portal and go to the My Registration tab to get started.
The Renewal Quick Reference Guide is a useful resource to help through the process.
- NDIS Commission: Registration Renewal Fact Sheet
Tool 3.10 – Renewal fact sheet (PDF) - NDIS Commission: Quick Reference Guide – Renewal of a Registration
Tool 3.11 – Renewal quick reference guide
There are a number of requirements providers must meet to become registered and maintain registration with the NDIS Commission.
Registered NDIS providers must:
- Comply with the conditions of registration stated on their certification of registration.
- Demonstrate compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards for the relevant registration groups (which are determined by the types of services and supports your delivery), including through a quality audit.
- Comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct across the organisation and support employees to meet its requirements.
- Have an in-house complaints management and resolution system to record and manage any complaints received, and support NDIS participants or other relevant concerned parties to make a complaint.
- Have an in-house incident management system and notify the NDIS Commission should a reportable incident occur.
- Fulfil worker screening requirements and ensure all workers have been screened.
- If applicable, meet the behaviour support requirements, including reporting the use of restrictive practices to the NDIS Commission.
All workers of registered NDIS providers must complete a worker orientation e-learning module called Quality, Safety and You that covers human rights, respect, risk, and the roles and responsibilities of NDIS workers.
Resources related to the conditions of registration:
- NDIS Commission web page: NDIS Practice Standards
- NDIS Commission: Your Guide to the NDIS Practice Standards
Tool 3.12 – Guide to the NDIS practice standards (PDF) - NDIS Commission web page: Approved Quality Auditors
- NDIS Commission web page: NDIS Code of Conduct (NDIS Providers)
- NDIS Commission: Your Guide to the NDIS Code of Conduct
Tool 3.13 – NDIS code of conduct (PDF) - NDIS Commission web page: Complaints Management
- NDIS Commission: Your Guide to Complaints Management
Tool 3.14 – Complaints management (PDF) - NDIS Commission web page: Incident Management and Reportable Incidents (NDIS Providers)
- NDIS Commission: Your Guide to Incident Management
Tool 3.15 – Incident management - NDIS Commission web page: Worker Screening Requirements (NDIS Registered Providers)
- NDIS Commission: NDIS Worker Screening Check – What Registered NDIS Providers Need to Know
Tool 3.16 – NDIS worker screening – registered Providers (PDF) - NDIS Commission: NDIS Worker Screening Check – What unregistered NDIS Providers Need to Know
Tool 3.17 – NDIS worker screening – unregistered Providers (PDF) - NDIS Commission web page: Behaviour Support
- NDIS Commission: Your Introduction to Behaviour Support
Tool 3.18 – Behaviour support (PDF) - NDIS Commission: Your Introduction to the Positive Behaviour Support Capability
Tool 3.19 – Positive behaviour support (PDF) - NDIS Commission: Worker Orientation Module – Quality, Safety and You
- NDIS Commission: Your Guide to Legislation, Rules and Policies
Tool 3.20 – Legislation, rules and policies (PDF)
Resource | NDIS or NDIS Commission Web Page | |
Becoming an NDIS Provider information | | |
Am I ready? – a Provider Readiness Checklist | | |
How to register information and links | | |
Working as a Provider information | | |
Provider Application Pack | | |
Application Pack – NDIS Provider application to register process guide | | |
Suitability assessment process guide – Information for NDIS Providers and their key personnel | | |
Provider Information Pack | |