Tai Chi, more correctly known as Taijiquan, is a traditional Chinese exercise and martial art practice composed of flowing and graceful movements. Tai Chi focuses on calming the mind and using mental intention, body mechanics and internal energy to drive its techniques. Tai Chi forms are generally practiced slowly with an even pace as in the Yang style though advanced students may introduce more energetic movements, using “explosive force” or fajin*.
Tai Chi master Alice Bei Dong
There are numerous benefits of Tai Chi, both mental and physical.
Tai Chi has been shown to improve;
Pei Lei Wushu Association Tai Chi master Alice Bei Dong explains
Tai Chi in particular, is a proven method to battle the effects of arthritis, Parkinson’s and other ailments
In the research paper;
The Efficacy of Exercise Programs for Parkinson’s Disease: Tai Chi versus Combined Exercise
By Sang-Myung Cheon,a Bo-Kyung Chae,b Hye-Ryun Sung,c Geon Cheol Lee,d Jae Woo Kima J Clin Neurol 2013;9:237-243 2 July 2013
It was demonstrated that Tai Chi gave better quality of life results and improved functional fitness than regular fitness exercises.
* Cited from Pei Lei Wushu Association website
For more information about Living Well or a Tai Chi, call the Parkinson’s NSW InfoLine 1800 644 189